The Global Medic update is known as its name because it is highly slanted in all the fields. This recent update has its impact on health, medical and various fitness niches. Google is still going on with this recent global update. When Danny Sullivan of Google was directly asked about the topic on Twitter, he commented, “It’s a broad core update which means it is involving all searches.”

To be fair, no one I am reading has said it is JUST the medical/health niche but almost everyone I am reading is saying that while it is a global update, it seems the medical/health niche got hit the hardest with this update. Yes, it impacted entertainment, gaming, travel, etc – as we showed and many others showed as well but again – it hit the medical/health niche the hardest.
I tried super hard to get Google to look into the impact more and come back to us with more than the original statements, I failed.
John Mueller from Google tweeted the following –
“A week ago today, we were the first to report on the big core Google algorithm update – in fact, we covered it several hours before Google confirmed the update. Since then, I posted the day after reaction to the update and covered that the update was winding down. I have also been collecting a lot of survey data around sites that were impacted by this update and I have some news to share.”
After the review of more than 300 websites, there were many things that were found out on the basis of the research. There was this first bit of data that sorely stood out and a huge percentage of the websites were impacted in various fields specifically in medical, health, fitness and healthy lifestyle space. There were over 42% websites that were submitted in the research. The data has been updated at 4pm EDT August 8th with more of the survey data and has been merged into financial and finance categories together. The pie chart shows the research about the same –

There have been surveys before however such a deep concentration in this specific niche has not been seen ever like this before. The results were very shocking, because as per Google, the result of this was global and it was termed as a core update. It basically means that it impacts all the flavor of the sites in almost all the areas and everywhere. However, there were many sites in various niches that were affected such as the e-commerce, entertainment, insurance, finance, business, business to business, entertainment deals, site deals, and so on. The interesting thing is that many of the e-commerce websites that sell products related to health and medical services so you can say that the number might get closer to 50%.
This researched data stands like a sore thumb and the update has targeted the medical and the health space globally. You can say that it is not just for medical and health field but the data has been skewed specifically for the health and the medical related websites. It ranges from all countries, types of sites, languages, including blogs, doctor practices, e-commerce solutions, advice, life style, tips and much more. There is one common thread that is closer to the 50% of the sites which are medical and health related.
With this survey, we are super curious to listen to the feedback via email at [email protected]. Let us know what you think of this latest update of Google.