5 Brainstorming Steps That You Must Know Before Doing Keyword Research For SEO

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The whole world is googling. From selling pens to booking flights, every time we end-up by using the tech-giant, Google. Businesses find it beneficial and have started launching their websites so that they can target more and more people. Interestingly, Google ever-changing algorithms also grab the attention of marketers and SEOs, in the same way.

If you are a website-owner who wants to get better ranking for his website. Read the following 5 steps for doing better keyword research. Also as a bonus, understand Google metrics which help in executing right digital marketing campaigns for your business.

A Comprehensive Guide

What Does Keyword Research Really Mean?

Keyword research is nothing but an initial practice performed by SEO professionals. In this, they need to identify words and phrases related to niche business or services which are popularly search by people.

Is It That Important?

Yes, it is a crucial task which help SEO experts to analyze people behavior and interests in-depth. Based on which they optimize business websites so that they can get some “real traffic”.

How To Perform Best Keyword Research For SEO?

Learn how SEOs optimize websites for getting higher ranking in Google’s searches in the following 5 steps.

Step# 1 Dig-Out Seed Keyword

Define your niche and identify your competitors by some single word keywords or topics that are related to your business (and obviously, do search by people). For example: if you want to promote your pizza business on the internet, named as joepizzashop.com then group the “seed keywords” that are suggested by google searches. Like:

  • Joe’s pizza shop,
  • Joe’s pizza shop limoges menu,
  • Joe’s pizza shop limoges,
  • Joe’s pizza shop menu etc.

Step# 2 Generate Related Keyword Ideas

Although you have figured out some seed keywords. Yet you are far away to reach your goal. As you can never read the audience’s mind completely, it takes practices to evolve your own list of new keyword ideas. But start with doing some homework finding closely related keywords or topics which are mostly search by people (on Google).

Pro Tip 1# Consider the following two fields while generating keyword ideas for your business.

  1. Identify keywords for which you already rank.
  2. Identify keywords for which your competitors rank.

Pro Tip 2# There may be few keywords you are missing, for which your competitors are ranking. Figure-out them all and try to add them on your most ranking page.

Step# 3 Use Keyword Research Planner

To nail the giant search engine, there are a list of SEO tools like keyword research planner which are absolutely FREE to download. Download any of them from internet and start exploring new keywords based on your domain. Some popularly used keyword research tools are-


While planning the aforementioned strategies, there are more chances to get confused with hundreds of random popping keyword ideas. Understand keyword metrics by knowing following useful terms:

  • Search Volume

Search Volume tells the exact number of searches performed for a particular keyword by web users.

Note: You can use any keyword research tool for getting accurate search volumes. Most of them take statics from people trusted source of information i.e. Google.

  • Clicks

Clicks showcases the conversion rate of web users that are coming to your website. It’s quite tricky to let audiences reach to your website, as Google Ads generally steal some of your traffic.

Example: Suppose, you are getting top 5 ranking for few keywords. But it doesn’t guarantee you that people shall click on your link and open your website. May be some of them get diverted by some fancy ads that randomly pop-up on their screens.

  • Potential Traffic

Traffic potential is a guesswork which displays the maximum number of potential traffic that one web page can get while ranking #1 on search results (for a certain keyword). You should plan your strategies to target the untapped potential keyword.

  • Keyword difficulty

Calculate keyword difficulty score by using any of the above mentioned list of keyword research tools. And once getting it done, evaluate your keyword ideas’ list with refined results.

Unquestionably, above search metrics are considerable to understand the traffic-nature and popularity of a keyword. So one who is willing to be an SEO at his own, should learn more about these factors.

Step# 4 Group Your Keyword Ideas

Till now, you have got amazed by a list of promising keyword ideas. Now it’s time to cut-down some of them using the aforementioned strategies & tactics. Let’s organize your keyword –ideas by grouping them into 3 main categories:

  • By Parent Keywords

Add semantic keywords and contextually related keywords under the “parent keyword” structure.

  • By Audience’s Intent

Know the audience’s intent for searching something on Google.

NOTE: Try to understand what people want to get back from internet by searching something and queue-up the result of those related keywords for further usage.

  • By Business value

Analyze keywords from which you are getting real ROI for your business. Shortlist your keyword-list by considering your business value.

Pro Tip# You should add a blog section on your website so that you can easily pitch semantically related keywords, without any hassle. Additionally, it helps web-audiences to stay on your page and more importantly, to listen to you.

Step# 5 And Lastly, Prioritize

Finally, you have reached the stage where you can break the iceberg. Prioritize your keyword searches as per your business and potential traffic. Pick those which are the best possible options and bring some convertible traffic for your website.


In a nutshell, keyword research is a systematic approach that carries a wide-space along with it for getting potential traffic.

Hope this blog post will be helpful to you and give a structure to your marketing plans. It’s no brainer- SEO professionals take practices for years to get expertise how to rank first on Google. Our team has highly-skilled SEOs who have years of work practices for different business sectors. If you are looking for getting #1 Google ranking, contact our technical assistant today!

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