Month End Get Together- Nov 2018

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“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

The Highlights of the Month-End Get-Together – November 2018

Leading Edge believes in transforming Birthdays from hassle to happy. This is a way to let employees know that we always cherish their special day in a memorable manner.

The fun begins with the cake cutting ceremony of the employees. The birthday celebration was accompanied by the recognition ceremony, in which, every month, a star is announced. After the announcement of ‘Star of the Month- November’, a few words of recognition and appreciation were said for the deserving employee.

The celebration was accompanied by some fun games, Hide and Seek! This game brought back the fond memories of our childhood.

Can you just imagine playing Hide & seek at your workplace??

It was a complete ‘LOL’ moment for us all.

All the employees were able to look back to their childhood memories with this fun game.

The employees had a blast at this small gathering. We look forward to many more gatherings like this in the future.

Till then enjoy & stay tuned

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